Jupiter in Taurus Let it Burn
I will be doing 7 day candles again on July 10th, 2023. I only have 10 Spots Open. We will be using the energy of Jupiter in Taurus energy to keep our momentum going. Jupiter in Taurus helps us develop the dedication, patience and faith needed to materialize our magic and make it tangible.
We are half way through the year and it is time to energize your goals from March of this year.
The Capricorn full moon on July 3rd is often focused on progress, success, and achievement. This gives you time to think about the intention you would like to see manifested by the end of the year. I will start the burn on July 10th, 2023 after the full moon. We are burning after the Full Moon, during the half moon so we can clear any blocks to the culmination on the darker side of the moon and still illuminate clarity.
What you will receive:
A personal 7 day candle used to hold the space for you.
Angelic Healing Prayers for protection and abundance.
A video reading of what your Angels have to say to you before the burn.
A video reading when the burn is complete.